OutpatientSurgeryMag OutpatientSurgeryMag @OutpatientSurg

Congrats to the Environmental Stewardship ORX Award winner Jody Wessel with The Ambulatory Surgical Center at St. Cloud VA Health Care System in St. Cloud, MN! Join for #ORExcellenceAwards #ORX2020 ceremony Friday, 11/20. For info https://t.co/fxZ0lpbyaM https://t.co/UbgMCiMx0h

2:44 PM - 13 Oct 20
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Even though there is no FDA-approved moxifloxacin product for intracameral use, about half of U.S. #catarac...

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A new survey finds that ambulatory surgery centers that performed elective surgeries in the early days of t...