Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Is Your Data Secure? Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November 2017

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 106 of 122

1 Wide-angle viewing systems. During retinal detachment cases, wide-angle, non-contact viewing systems let surgeons easily refocus from the posterior segment to look more anteri- orly with the simple press of a foot pedal. This gives them clear views of the peripheral retina, where tears tend to occur. "Conventional contact lens systems provide a limited view of the reti- na," says Jason Hsu, MD, a retina specialist at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa. "The systems we use provide a larger field of view. Being able to more easily identify tears in the periphery of the retina certainly helps." There's another benefit, says Dr. Hsu. Surgeons no longer have to rely on assistants to hold conventional contact lens systems steady for extended periods during critical parts of procedures. 2 Heads-up 3D displays. Surgeons who work with heads-up displays wear passive 3D glasses, which provide eye-popping views on a big-screen monitor. The technology separates sur- geons from the microscope, meaning they don't have to remain hunched behind the oculars for hours on end. Besides the view, you'll benefit from improved ergonomics. "You can shift your body around to get comfortable instead of having to remain in a static position," says Dr. Hsu. Eye surgeons are still warming up to heads-up 3D displays, says Dr. Hsu, one of the few Wills Eye docs to regularly use the "cool technolo- gy." While visualization is good, Dr. Hsu says it's not yet on par with a microscopic view. But even the early generations of heads-up imaging let surgeons complete surgical tasks they might not be comfortable performing with a microscope. For example, when performing macular work, sur- geons typically put a contact lens viewing system on the eye, but the N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 0 7

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