Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Special Outpatient Surgery Edition - Surgical Construction - March 2017

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/796245

Contents of this Issue


Page 60 of 62

M A R C H 2 0 1 7 O U T P A T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T 6 1 are stored that's readable from 5 feet away — a poster-sized sign would do — that reads "Positive Pressure Gases; No Smoking or Open Flame; Room May Have Insufficient Oxygen; Open Door and Allow Room to Ventilate Before Entering." Also, a master alarm that sounds when the gas system fails must be present in an area where it can be continuously monitored. 8. Firewalls. Keep all firewalls "tight" by reminding maintenance personnel to seal any penetrations — holes to accommodate phone lines or cables, for example — with a fire-approved fire stop system or device. 9. Power generators. You must have a shut-off device outside of the gen- erator. If you don't, it's usually relatively inexpensive for an electrician to install. Also, keep on file 2 copies of the generator manufacturer's instructions for use. 10. Electric and HVAC. Review the standards for electrical systems in regard to the labeling of panels. CMS surveyor questions often surround issues related to OR temperature, humidity and airflow, so review your HVAC system to make sure it's working properly and compliant with current standards. OSM Ms. Berreth (s.berreth23@gmail.com) is the administrator of Sansum Clinic Foothill Medical and Surgical Center in Santa Barbara, Calif., and a surveyor for the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.

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