Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Did Skin Prep Fuel This Fire? - February 2017 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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of my patients. One patient pleaded with me to do her surgery before Jan. 1 in order to avoid a $10,000 deductible! As a result, my case log rivaled the Brooklyn Yellow Pages. Needless to say, December was an exhausting month. On most days, hopes for a 5 o'clock finish were ambitious to say the least. After jettisoning teaching and helping to scrub the floors, I was able to finish (most days) on time. I did go later than anticipated on a couple occasions — once due to an unanticipated surgical finding that required extensive work, the other due to blind ambition where I convinced the staff (and myself) that I could readily perform a rather complex rotator cuff reconstruc- tion in 1 hour. Not! Thanks to an understanding staff and a little extra money in the church offertory, all is well in the universe for now. Give yourself a break I will also try to be kinder to myself and stop beating myself up for things I can't control. Whenever the results of surgery (despite our best efforts) weren't what we'd hoped, I'd beat myself up with blame and an overwhelming sense of guilt. Let's just say that I not only enjoyed guilt trips, I ran the travel agency! Once I did jury duty and I spent the whole week trying to convince the other jurors that I did it. My more enlightened self recognizes that there are many factors beyond one's surgical control. The aberrant vessel that caused the bleeding is simply beyond my sphere of influence. Same goes for the rotator cuff tissue the consistency of Kleenex and the defective suture anchor that crumbles upon insertion. Let me end by asking you to join me this year in doing more of what you love and less of what you don't. OSM Dr. Kelly (johndak4@gmail.com) is an orthopedic surgeon/sports-shoulder specialist who practices in Philadelphia, Pa. J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 4 5

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