Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Focused Factories - November 2015 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/596718

Contents of this Issue


Page 75 of 154

Failing to clean high-touch items. Bed rails, light switches, toilet han- dles, faucets, IV poles — these could all benefit from being wiped down about 6 times a day. They're all big transmission points, especially for Clostridium difficile patients. Glossing over items that get moved from patient to patient. Too often people just give a cursory wipe when they're dealing with a large vital signs monitor or an Accu- Chek machine. But even healthy patients have organisms on their skin, and they may have resistant organisms that shouldn't be passed around. The next patient might be more immune-compromised and more susceptible. Using one small cloth on a large surface. When staff do this, they can end up just moving bacteria around. Use as 2 3 4 7 6 O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 5 ©2015 Ecolab USA. All rights reserved. (FRODEGDWDRQoOH$YDLODEOHXSRQUHTXHVW 0F&R\%/HDN6%U\FH6&KULVWRSKHU.%DOGZLQ9$FROODERUDWLYHDSSURDFKWRLPSURYH25 WKURXJKSXWDQGFOHDQOLQHVVWKURXJKVWDQGDUGZRUNDQGLPSURYHGSURFHVVHV$EVWUDFW25 0DQDJHUV$QQXDO&RQIHUHQFH1DVKYLOOH712FWREHU )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRUZZZHFRODEFRPKHDOWKFDUH A Comprehensive Approach to Environmental Hygiene in the O.R. \ ,PSURYHG&OHDQLQJ,QDKRVSLWDOZLWKDQQXDOVXUJHULHV LQWKH1RUWKZHVWKLJKWRXFKREMHFWcleaning improved over 600% LQZHHNV 1 \ 5HGXFHG7XUQWLPH:LWKFXUUHQWVWDIoQJDQGRSWLPL]HG FOHDQLQJSURFHVV\RXFDQsave up to 5 minutesSHUSURFHGXUH 2 \ 0DLQWDLQHG,PSURYHPHQW,QDKRVSLWDOZLWKDQQXDO VXUJHULHVLQWKH6RXWKHDVWRYHUDOOcleaning results increased 300%DQGZHUHPDLQWDLQHGIRUVL[PRQWKV 2 (FRODE V(Q&RPSDVVÍ(QYLURQPHQWDO+\JLHQH3URJUDPRIIHUV DXQLTXHDSSURDFKWR25FOHDQLQJDQGURRPWXUQRYHUWKDW LPSURYHVURRPFOHDQOLQHVVZKLOHRSWLPL]LQJWXUQRYHUWLPH7KLV SURJUDPLVGHVLJQHGWRLPSURYHFOHDQLQJRXWFRPHVDQGFRPSO\ ZLWK$25126+$DQG-RLQW&RPPLVVLRQJXLGHOLQHV

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