Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Product & Services Showcase - November 2014

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/408049

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N O V E M B E R 2 014 | A S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E | 9 HOW DO YOU CUT SURGICAL GLOVE COSTS BY 25% OR MORE? Let us cross reference your current usage and show you the potential savings! We've been help- ing our customers save money with our high quali- ty surgical and exam gloves since 1992. Our prod- uct range is very broad, and we have a glove that crosses to every glove your facility uses. We'll work hard to help you streamline usage and find the best possible combination of clinical accept- ance and cost reduction. Actual savings depend upon the product mix we convert, but 15% to 35% savings is typical. Put us to the test in your facility! For more information call (800) 272-1533 , visit www.ihcsolutions.com or use the reader service card on p. 6 . ® ADVANCED AEM MONOPOLAR ENERGY SAVES LIVES AND MONEY Encision's AEM EndoShield™ Burn Protection System provides the clinical benefits of advanced AEM ® monopolar energy with guaranteed elimination of stray energy burns to patients; stray energy burns cause a major patient injury every 90 minutes in the United States which lead to 1-2 deaths per day*. Eliminating this preventable problem helps medical professionals achieve optimal clinical outcomes and avoid hefty financial penalties from complications of care and the new CMS HAC reduction program. The dispos- able AEM EndoShield is compatible with most electrosurgical generators and works with state-of-the-art AEM instruments, including e-Edge ® Scissors, enTouch ® graspers and handles, and AEM ® electrodes. *data on file. To learn more or schedule an evaluation, call (303) 444-2600 , visit www.encision.com, email info@encision.com or use the reader service card on p. 6. RINSING PHACO HANDPIECES IS NO LONGER A CHORE... ...with the QuickRinse TM from Advanced Optisurgical. Compact and simple to set up and operate, the QuickRinse TM can also be used to rinse I/A handpieces, cannulas, vit cutters, reusable tubing and other instruments with lumen. The QuickRinse TM provides consistent rinsing pressure of the operator, and eliminates hand fatigue and potential hand injury caused by repetitive syringe use. An optional waterproof foot pedal enables hands-free operation. For more information call (800) 576-1266 , visit www.optisurgical.com or use the reader service card on p. 6 .

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