Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Best Buys - July 2013 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 38 of 116

Page 39 2 0 1 3 'S H O T T E S T P R O D U C T S The criteria for making this year's list of cool new products are pretty simple. The product must be a better mousetrap that solves a problem or meets an unmet need in surgery. It must be truly innovative in form, function and design. It must rate high on our coolness index. And it must have been introduced within the past year. Happy window shopping! — Outpatient Surgery Magazine Editors Intelligent Instruments • A smarter way to do arthroscopy fluid management. Imagine a pump that "talks" to the shaver to adjust fluidics. The Crossflow Integrated Arthroscopy Pump from Stryker Medical "talks" to the shaver or RF ablation unit to gauge fluid flow and pressure inside the joint. Based on the information, it immediately adjusts suction to stabilize the space. The unit is extremely easy to set up — even inexperienced team members can do it; it features a touchscreen interface and colorcoded cassette tubing. It can also store surgeon profiles. Yes, your orthopedic surgeons will be amazed that they no longer need to worry about fluidics. SMART PUMP The Crossflow Integrated Arthroscopy Pump from Stryker Medical is the product of 6 years of work by a 30-person fluid mechanics team.

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