Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Worth Every Penny - January 2021 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/1324435

Contents of this Issue


Page 26 of 67

of vegetables is a nice, light option to drape over their shoul- der. Include a medication chart — a list of prescribed medica- tions and when they should be taken — for patients to refer to if they're given a five-day course of opioids for breakthrough pain. Patients should be encouraged to wait until evenings to take opi- oids in order to maximize their analgesic benefits for sleeping. After the five-day opioid prescrip- tion, non-narcotic medications are usually effective in managing post-op pain. Demand is increasing More patients are inquiring about having their procedures done in outpatient facilities because of fears of contracting COVID-19, but these surgeries were heading out of main hospital ORs before the pandemic hit. Patients who had a shoulder replacement done 10 or more years ago could be in the hospital for three days. Post- op stays were eventually reduced to one night. Now we realize patients are at less of a risk for blood clots, infection and other complications if they're able to recover at home. Knee and hip replacements led the charge into the outpatient arena, but shoul- ders are following suit and gain- ing momentum. Follow these steps and you can make them the fastest growing component of your orthopedic service line. OSM J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 2 7 Dr. Horneff (john.horneff@pennmedi- cine.upenn.edu) is an assistant professor of clinical orthopedic surgery in the shoulder and elbow division at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. THE FAST AND EASY CATHETER OVER NEEDLE CPNB SYSTEM WITH NEW SIZES AVAILABLE E-Cath ® & E-Cath ® Plus RESPONSIBLE PAIN MANAGEMENT YOU CAN CONTROL THE LEADING CONTINUOUS CON NERVE BLOCK SYSTEM JUST GOT EVEN BETTER: new sizes available E-Cath & E-Cath Plus – now available in procedural trays NEW REQUEST SAMPLES NOW! info@pajunk-usa.com easycathusa.com · pajunkusa.com Additional lengths in 100mm and 150mm All lengths in 18G Available in PAJUNK procedural trays or as drop-on sets

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