Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Year of the Nurse - November 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 72 of 83

N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 7 3 Steris SYSTEM 1 endo Liquid Chemical Sterilant Processing System steris.com 800-548-4873 The System 1 endo Processor sterilizes rather than high- level disinfects (HLD) endoscopes. It provides liquid chemical sterili- zation (LCS) for manu- ally cleaned, immersi- ble, reusable semi- critical heat sensitive medical devices, including endoscopes and their accessories. Steris claims LCS goes beyond HLD to eliminate all viable microorganisms, including bacterial spores, in an 18-minute cycle. Steris claims its S40 Sterilant Concentrate reaches all parts of devices, including port surfaces, which it claims are commonly shielded from germicide contact in AERs with tight-fitting adapters. Its scanner captures and tracks both scopes and the techs who reprocessed them, and historical digital data is available on demand for compliance reporting. Olympus OER-Elite medical.olympusamerica.com 800-848-9024 Unveiled just last month, Olympus' new single-basin AER simultaneously cleans and dis- infects up to two endoscopes in 28 minutes using Acecide-C, a peracetic acid-based disinfec- tant. The basin is wider and deeper than that of its prede- cessor, the OER-Pro. Connecting endoscopes to the AER is simplified with color- coding, automatic monitoring and step-by-step illustrated instructions displayed on a smart LCD touchscreen. To better manage scope leaks, a dedicated decontamination cycle limits fluid invasion, with the goal of reducing service costs and eliminating the need for manual soaking. Olympus says it's now easier to check disinfectant levels through more convenient access to the minimum recommended concentration port. A Log Data Management feature enables input of endoscope reprocessing informa- tion to manage records. Olympus has also modified its manual cleaning flow; by using ultrasonic clean- ing combined with an alkaline detergent, seven of the 11 manual cleaning steps for non-elevator endo- scopes have been eliminated.

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