Outpatient Surgery Magazine

The Secret of Gritflowness - October 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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m i z u h o s i . c o m The Trios ® Surgical Table System is designed to provide surgeons with access, visibility and precise control needed for a variety of spinal surgery procedures. Find out how we can help improve your OR workflow at mizuhosi.com. Trios ® Versatility & Enhanced Safety Innovation Paving the Way for Excellence in Patient Care Schaerer Medical USA 7300 Carbon Spine Frame Table schaerermedicalusa.com 800-755-6381 Schaerer Medical points to versatility as this table's main advantage — the abil- ity for a single surface to be reconfigured as several dif- ferent specialty tables. The 7300 can be used for spinal cases requiring an open- frame, four-post table, but it can also be used for lat- eral spine cases, as well as orthopedics or pain man- agement cases — and even general surgery. Schaerer Medical says the table can be cantilevered lower than competing tables, enabling surgeons to sit while operating. For anesthesia providers, there's no col- umn at the head end of the table, enabling easier airway access and patient monitoring. The entire frame is radiolucent, and a motorized joint moves the tabletop to a flex or reflex position.

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