Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Elective Surgery is Essential - August 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Denials elicit the same reply. Diverters can cost your facility dearly in a number of direct and indirect ways, most notably in jeopardizing safe patient care. Single dose, prefilled syringes arrive ready for administration, eliminating having to prepare them for administration and waste leftover medica- tion, factors that provide a powerful safeguard against the threat of diversion. • Availability. Compounding pharmacies are known for helping facilities obtain medications when drug shortages are causing supply issues. Dr. Wehling wonders if the COVID-19 pandemic will have an impact on the availability of certain medica- tions moving forward. "If drugs are harder to come by, compounders may be able to get you the med- ications that are in shortage when other suppliers cannot," he says. Closing the cost gap If you're not yet ready to make the move to prefilled syringes, keep an eye on the market. You may have a change of heart because competition is steadily driving costs down. "Prefilled syringes are still more expensive than standard vials, but they don't cost nearly as much as they did five or six years ago," says Dr. Vaida. When you combine decreasing costs with the time-savings and increased safety associat- ed with prefilled syringes, a strong case can be made for transitioning to the convenient and cost- effective option in drug administration. OSM Helping you deliver better medicine to more people. With increasing regulatory pressure and drug shortages, access to quality medicine is more important than ever. Leiters is an FDA-registered 503B outsourcing provider of high-quality, compounded sterile preparations including: Pre-filled syringes, IV bags and vials ON-Q* Pain Relief System fill services Opioid-free surgical pain services medications Ophthalmology medications and services including FDA-compliant repackaged Avastin® ON-Q* is a registered trademark of Avanos Medical, Inc., or its affiliates. Avastin® is a registered trademark of Genentech, Inc. COMPOUNDING HEALTH™ www.leiters.com | 800.292.6772 Helping you deliver better medicine to more people. With increasing regulatory pressure and drug shortages, access to quality medicine is more important than ever. Leiters is an FDA-registered 503B outsourcing provider of high-quality, compounded sterile preparations including: Pre-filled syringes, IV bags and vials ON-Q* Pain Relief System fill services Opioid-free surgical pain services medications Ophthalmology medications and services including FDA-compliant repackaged Avastin® ON-Q* is a registered trademark of Avanos Medical, Inc., or its affiliates. Avastin® is a registered trademark of Genentech, Inc. COMPOUNDING HEALTH™ www.leiters.com | 800.292.6772 Prefilled syringes are still more expensive, but they don't cost nearly as much as they did five or six years ago. — Allen J. Vaida, BSc, PharmD, FASHP

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