Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Elective Surgery is Essential - August 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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1 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 Ideas Work P r a c t i c a l p e a r l s f r o m y o u r c o l l e a g u e s That N ow that many healthcare workers need to wear masks all day due to the pandemic, many complain that the elastic supports are rough on their ears, even rubbing them raw in some instances. That's how The Ear Savers Crew came into existence this spring. We've established a network of more than 50 volunteer crocheters and knitters throughout Connecticut and New York to create Ear Savers that we donate to essential work- ers at surgery centers and hospitals (and other workplaces beyond health care). We sew buttons on both ends of a small knitted or crocheted band. By putting the mask's elastic supports around the buttons, the elastic doesn't rub the back of the ears. Each Ear Savers is washed and placed in an individ- ual zip-close bag that's stapled to an enveloped note, which thanks the recipient for their work during the pandemic. We're raising money to cover our costs for sup- plies such as yarn, thread, buttons, shipping and packing supplies at osmag.net/Thx4SH. (A $5 dona- tion would let us purchase enough yarn to make about 30 bands.) As of mid-July, we've delivered more than 5,000 Ear Savers to people in seven states. We're currently working on outfitting entire staffs at four hospitals and seven grocery stores. We plan to do this as long as we're needed to help as many ears as we can, and we'd love to help the staffers at your facility. Just send your order to the email below (include "Ear Savers Request" in the subject line). Holly Broderick The Ear Savers Crew hollybhealthy@gmail.com WHAT A RELIEF Dozens of crocheters and knitters are producing these "ear savers," which alleviate the ear-straining pressure of a mask's elastic band. VOLUNTEER EFFORT 'Ear Savers' Have Mask Soreness Covered The Ear Savers Crew

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