Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Special Edition: Game Changers in Surgery - June 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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When I am performing assessments, merely visiting, or SHUKDSVVSHDNLQJWRDQ63'DXGLHQFHΖDOZD\VDVNLIWKH 63'GHSDUWPHQWLVSURFHVVLQJUHXVDEOHWH[WLOHVOLQHQV and the answer is still interesting. I am almost always WROGȊ1RZHGRQRWGROLQHQVDQ\PRUHȋ\HWZKHQΖDVN IXUWKHUTXHVWLRQVRUZDONWKURXJKWKHGHSDUWPHQWVΖVHH linen products in instrument sets, inside house trays or bundled together for positioning (bumps or bundles), DQGOHWȇVQRWIRUJHWWKHWRZHOVXSRQWRZHOVΖWȇVDVLIWKHVH LWHPVGLGQRWFRXQWZKHQWKH\VDLGȊZHGRQȇWSURFHVV OLQHQVȋΖQPRVWSHRSOHȇVPLQGVZKHQWKH\WKLQNRIȊUHXV- DEOHOLQHQVȋWKH\DUHWKLQNLQJRIPXVOLQZUDSIRULQVWUX- ment sets, which have been almost completely replaced with polypropylene sterilization wrap followed by reus- able surgical gowns. This is concerning as there can be some very serious FRQVHTXHQFHVLIOLQHQVDUHQRWSURFHVVHGFRUUHFWO\E\IRO- ORZLQJFXUUHQWJXLGHOLQHVȊ$16Ζ$$0Ζ675 3URFHVVLQJRIUHXVDEOH6XUJLFDOWH[WLOHVIRUXVHLQKHDOWK FDUHIDFLOLWLHVȋLVWKHJRWRGRFXPHQWWRJXLGHXVHUVRQ how to process linens. Some important things to note are that linens must be laundered, delinted, inspected on light tables, and have usage grids marked. This must be GRQHRXWVLGHRIWKH63'GHSDUWPHQWDQGQRWRQWKHDV- sembly tables, as I often observe. Many facilities can not DFFRPPRGDWHWKHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGKDYHIRXQGWKH GLVSRVDEOHDOWHUQDWLYHWREHPRUHFRVWH΍HFWLYHDQGKDYH stopped using reusable linens. Lint and particulates are DVPXFKDQHQHP\DVDUHPLFURRUJDQLVPVZLWKLQWKH63' If reusables must be reprocessed, I urge all who repro- cess linens in any capacity to obtain a copy of AAMI ST65 and follow these critical guidelines to do it properly or consider a single-use alternative in the name of patient safety. SteriBump ® Reprocessing Linens & Towels vs Single-Use Alternatives from an SPD perspective Dave Jagrosse, CHL CRCST 3UHVLGHQW'DYLG-DJURVVH&RQVXOWLQJ//& Sponsored by FDUHIDFLOLWLHVȋLVWKHJRWRGRFXPHQWWRJXLGHXVHUVRQ how to process linens. Some important things to note The operative word in surgical patient positioning Ready-to-use Single-use Guaranteed sterile Closed-cell geometry significantly reduces foreign particulates e ry s y s FREE sample: www.impmedical.com or call 800.467.4944 SteriBump SteriBump ®

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