Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Special Outpatient Surgery Edition - Orthopedics - August 2018

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/1012667

Contents of this Issue


Page 64 of 86

Aquamantys ™ Bipolar Sealers with Advanced Technology A SHIFT IN LOCATION DEMANDS A SHIFT IN THINKING 71-10-3804 Rev A 07.18 RADIUS360 ™ FULL CIRCLE CARE REDESIGN For outpatient total joint replacement Patients are consumers, and they are looking for the right experience Patient expectations are changing. As empowered and connected consumers, they are more likely to be aware of — and actively pursue the option of — a same-day procedure without the need for a hospital stay. :KHWKHULWpVZRUNLQJKDQGLQKDQGZLWKDFXVWRPHUWRVHWXSDQRXWSDWLHQWWRWDOMRLQWSURJUDPRƪHULQJD KLJKTXDOLW\WRWDONQHHUHSODFHPHQWDWDQDƪRUGDEOHSULFHRUSURYLGLQJ$TXDPDQW\V ™ bipolar sealers that enable surgeons to adopt advanced surgical techniques, we are committed to thinking and working in new ZD\VWRHQVXUHZHGULYHYDOXHLQRXURƪHULQJV1RRQHFDQVROYHWKHZRUOGpVKHDOWKFDUHFKDOOHQJHVDORQH Let's take healthcare further, together. Interested in learning more? Contact us at rs.radius360@medtronic.com Responsive Orthopedics Total Knee Arthroplasty System

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